March 2021





Mind your language

MARCH 2021

The language that communicates brands has changed a lot over the years. Danish building block purveyor LEGO recently republished an advertisement from 1981 to honour International Women's Day. My, how antiquated the message and language sound in the 2020s.

Their 'What it is is beautiful' campaign from 40 years ago showed young girls posing with their 'pretty' building block creations, reinforcing the role of females in the world to be decorative. Leaving your mark on the world was clearly all down to the boys.

Now LEGO has reassessed its own past and republished the ad with an updated message of 'Future Builders' that encourages imagination, entertprise and ambition, celebrating the next generation whatever their gender.

As LEGO says, “The campaign is designed to encourage and champion today’s young women on their journey to becoming the decision-makers, role models and changemakers of the future.”

Read more about the toy company that Brand Finance dubbed the 'world's most powerful brand' of 2015 here